Archive for: July, 2017


lifejunkie_admin July 13, 2017
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OK yesterday was a blast. Fun day with only 55 miles (90k) on the route so I was able to chill a little and nap in the shade for the afternoon. My niece Becky came to join me fo... read more

Serendipity & Generosity

lifejunkie_admin July 11, 2017
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Rest day done and time to get back on the road today. I journeyed west and south to the town of Rensselaer Indiana where a host family (Chris and Jodi Kosary) put me up for the ... read more


lifejunkie_admin July 9, 2017
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Should anyone think that they are interested in doing this, maybe I should lay out the planning and where I am after week one. Week one summary. I completed 782 kilometres (496 ... read more

Loss (and being lost)

lifejunkie_admin July 9, 2017
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When the days are long on the road there is much time to reflect and to ponder. As many of you know the last couple years have been trying ones for Joy and I. There have been ma... read more

Enter the Unexpected

lifejunkie_admin July 7, 2017
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Well, I have read many books about bike touring. I have seen what other people have done and talked and trained and felt ready. I have found out there are numerous things they d... read more

Day One In the Books

lifejunkie_admin July 4, 2017
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Day one is in the books. 179 kilometers in the end, hot and against the wind. I think day one of any long journey is the hardest one. This is the one where you leave the familia... read more