Archive for: July, 2023

Days One and Two Dusted and Done

lifejunkie_admin July 23, 2023
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Days One and Two Time to get to the action and the rides. Days one and two are dusted and done and in the books. I am writing this on the morning of day three as the rest ta... read more

The Bike and the Drive

lifejunkie_admin July 18, 2023
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Well, I have made it to my starting point for the journey. Three days, 4000 kilometers, four national parks (two US and two Canadian) and now to prep the bike for the j... read more

2023 A New Journey, New Adventures

lifejunkie_admin July 14, 2023
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It has been a long time since I have done a longer extended adventure, and just as long that I have not been writing about the adventure. It’s not that I haven’... read more